Ijraset Journal For Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology
Authors: Hera Gulam Waris Ansari, Dr. Manoj Dnyaneshwar Patil
DOI Link: https://doi.org/10.22214/ijraset.2023.55698
Certificate: View Certificate
Ability of debit card companies to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions is crucial to safeguard customers from unauthorized charges. Data Science, particularly Machine Learning, plays a pivotal role in addressing this challenge. This project aims to demonstrate the application of machine learning in Credit debit Fraud Detection by modeling a dataset of past credit card transactions, distinguishing fraudulent ones from legitimate ones. The objective is to achieve a fraudulent transactions while minimizing false positives. Debit Card Fraud Detection is a classic classification issue. A research focuses on data analysis, preprocessing, and the utilization of XGBoost on Credit Card Transaction data. To prevent overfitting, grid search is employed to fine-tune the models\' hyperparameters. The performed of XGBoost and P-XGBoost is compared with further usual machine learning techniques. Surprisingly, P-XGBoost best XGBoost in fraud detection, presenting a viewpoint for effectively identifying fraudulent behavior while ensuring the privacy of clients.
Machine Learning is a subset of AI that empowers computer learn the systems and improve from experience without explicit programming. Its primary objective is to enable computers to learn autonomously from data and make decisions or predictions based on that learning.
Machine learning is a vital elements of the increasing tract of data science. It involves the use of statistical methods and algorithms to train models that can classify data, make predictions, and uncover valuable insights in data excavation projects. This understanding then operate ruling processes in App and profession, potentially influencing metrics key growth. As the volume of big data continues to expand, the demand for data scientists proficient in machine learning is expected to increase. These professionals will be crucial in identifying relevant business questions and the data needed to answer them effectively.
There are several methods of machine learning, classified into specific categories:
Machine learning has wide-ranging App in various fields, also NLP, machine vision system, admonition systems, fraud detection, and autonomous vehicles, among others. By leveraging the power of data and automated learning, machine learning continues to revolutionize industries and advance technology in exciting ways.
Credit card fraud is a broad term encompassing various theft and fraudulent activities involving the unauthorized use of credit cards during payment transactions. The motivations behind credit card fraud may range from making purchases without payment to transferring unauthorized funds from an account. Credit card fraud often intertwines with identity theft, where thieves use stolen information for fraudulent purposes. According to the United States Federal Trade Commission, identity theft rates remained stable during the mid-2000s but increased by 21 percent in 2008. Despite this increase, credit card fraud, which is commonly associated with identity theft, decreased as a percentage of all identity theft complaints. However, even with improved fraud detection systems, a small percentage of fraudulent transactions still results in significant financial losses for businesses.
Credit card fraudsters employ various methods to execute their fraudulent activities. One common approach is application fraud, where individuals provide false information to obtain a credit card. Another prevalent method involves the unauthorized use of lost or stolen cards. More sophisticated fraudsters may produce fake or altered cards, use skimming techniques to copy card data, or create cloned websites to deceive people into providing their credit card details unknowingly.
Credit card fraud can be classified into different categories, such as online and offline credit card fraud, card larceny, account broke, appliance incursion, App cheating, fake cards, and transport cheating.
The prevalence to credit card fraud highlights the need for robust fraud detection and prevention mechanisms to protect both individuals and businesses from financial losses and security breaches. Effective strategies and technologies are essential to combat this ongoing threat to financial security in today's digital age.
The literature survey provides an overview of the existing research and techniques employed in the field of credit card fraud detection. Different approaches, algorithms, and challenges associated with fraud detection have been studied, showcasing the ongoing efforts to combat credit card fraud effectively.
Credit card fraud poses a significant threat to businesses, resulting in billions of dollars in losses, despite the implementation of fraud detection systems. The primary challenge in combatting credit card fraud lies in understanding the various methods employed by fraudsters. Credit card fraud occurs when an individual uses someone else's credit card without the owner's or card issuer's knowledge, either by stealing the physical card or obtaining important account information.
The problem at hand involves detecting and preventing fraudulent debit card transactions. Unofficial and undesired usage of an account by someone other than the holder constitutes fraud. The objective is to study the behavior of fraudulent practices and implement prevention measures to minimize such abuses and protect against future occurrences.
Fraud detection entails monitoring user activities to identify objectionable behavior, including fraud, intrusion, and not pay. This is a applicable issue that claim attention from the machine learning and data science communities, as automation can offer potential solutions. However, the problem is challenging due to factors like class imbalance, where valid transactions significantly outnumber fraudulent ones. Transaction patterns also change over time, presenting additional complexities.
Real-world fraud detection systems face a continuous current of amount demands, necessitating rapid scanning by automated compent to allow transactions. Machine learning algorithms are client to analyze allow deal and identify incredulous ones, which are then inquiry into by line of work to confirm their authenticity. The feedback provided by investigators is used to guide and modernize the algorithm, gradually improving cheating perception perform more time.
The ongoing development of fraud detection methods is essential to stay ahead of criminals who continuously adapt their fraudulent strategies. The goal is to create effective and efficient fraud detection systems that protect businesses and consumers from financial losses and maintain the security of credit card transactions.
The primary objective of this research is to implement a robust debit card cheating perception model that can accurately identify fraudulent transactions while minimizing false positives. The problem of debit Card cheating perception is a classic classifying task.
The research procedure focuses on the following key steps:
By achieving the objective of developing an accurate and efficient credit card fraud detection model, this research contributes to enhancing security in financial transactions and mitigating potential financial losses due to fraudulent activities.
By combining techniques to handle concept drift, employing advanced machine learning algorithms, and evaluating model performance with appropriate metrics, the methodology aims to create a robust and efficient credit card fraud detection system capable of addressing real-world challenges in financial transactions.
A. Key Points of the Prototype Model
While the prototype model offers benefits like early feedback and enhanced requirement understanding, it also has some limitations. For instance, the focus on prototyping may lead to scope creep or delays in finalizing the system requirements. Additionally, the cost and effort involved in building and discarding prototypes must be carefully managed.
Overall, the prototype model is a valuable approach in situations where requirements are uncertain or complex, as it enables stakeholders to visualize and refine the system's functionality before proceeding with full-scale development.
Python is chosen for web scraping because it offers convenient modules like 'urllib2', making it easy to access websites and extract information. MS Excel, on the other hand, is chosen for its comprehensive spreadsheet capabilities, supporting various file extensions, and providing a wide range of features, including data visualization and VBA for custom functions. Both Python and MS Excel complement each other in this project, with Python used for data collection and analysis, and MS Excel used for data visualization and cleaning tasks.
This document presents a tale approach for credit card cheating perception using a hybrid of supervised and unsupervised learning techniques. The proposed method involves data decay based on Kernel Principal Component Analysis to project and decompose property varying for XGBoost, enhancing its ability to detect fraudulent behavior. Unlike previous methods, the personal of customers is taken into cogitation in this approach. By employing unsupervised learning techniques, the model is able to procedure the data unescorted by needing to know the meaning of every property, which addresses the challenge of property engineering. This approach not only enhances the fraud detection capabilities but also safeguards the privacy of clients by not explicitly accessing all features of the data. The use of XGBoost, a powerful gradient boosting algorithm, further improves the model\'s performance in detecting fraudulent transactions. The combination of supervised and unsupervised learning allows for better adaptability to changing transaction patterns and concept drift over time. Overall, the proposed hybrid method shows promising results in credit card fraud detection while considering client privacy. The approach demonstrates the importance of utilizing advanced machine learning techniques and addressing real-world challenges such as concept drift and imbalanced data in fraud detection systems. The findings of this research open up new possibilities for enhancing fraud detection systems and protecting both businesses and customers from financial losses due to credit card fraud.
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Copyright © 2023 Hera Gulam Waris Ansari, Dr. Manoj Dnyaneshwar Patil. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Paper Id : IJRASET55698
Publish Date : 2023-09-11
ISSN : 2321-9653
Publisher Name : IJRASET
DOI Link : Click Here