Let (????1[[????1, ?1, ????1]]) and ????????(????2[[????2, ?2, ????2]]) be a matrix rings over skew generalized power series rings, where ????1, ????2 are commutative rings with an identity element, (????1, ?1), (????2, ?2) are strictly ordered monoids, ????1: ????1 ? ????????????(????1), ????2: ????2 ? ????????????(????2) are monoid homomorphisms. In this research, we define a mapping ???? from (????1[[????1, ?1, ????1]]) to ????????(????2[[????2, ?2, ????2]]) by using a strictly ordered monoid homomorphism ????: (????1, ?1) ? (????2, ?2), and ring homomorphisms ????: ????1 ? ????2 and ????: ????1[[????1, ?1, ????1]] ? ????2[[????2, ?2, ????2]]. Furthermore, we prove that ???? is a ring homomorphism, and also we give the sufficient conditions for ???? to be a monomorphism, epimorphism, and isomorphism.
A ring homomorphism ???? from the matrix ring (????1[[????1, ?1, ????1]]) to the matrix ring ????????(????2[[????2, ?2, ????2]]) can be constructed by using a strictly ordered monoid homomorphism ????: (????1, ?1) ? (????2, ?2), and ring homomorphisms ????: ????1 ? ????2 and ????: ????1[[????1, ?1, ????1]] ? ????2[[????2, ?2, ????2]]. Furthermore, it also proves that Ker(????) is equal to the matrix ring over SGPSR (Ker(????))[[????1, ?1, ????1]]. Moreover, if ???? is an isomorphism and ???? is a monomorphism, then ???? is a monomorphism. While, if ???? is an epimorphism, then ???? is an epimorphism. Consequently, ???? is an isomorphism if ???? is an isomorphism, ???? is a monomorphism, and ???? is an epimorphism.
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